Throwing away a career?
You may not expect Dr. Maria Isabel Limardo’s story as an ‘expected career progression’ for a doctor. Born in Boston to Venezuelan parents, Dr. Limardo spent time both in America and Venezuela and gained her Ph.D in Human Genetics from the University Thomas Jefferson of Philadelphia (Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology). She is a renowned researcher and expert on Butterfly Syndrome Disease (Epidermolysis Bullosa) on Hemidesmosomes, yet, one day she appeared to ‘throw it all away’. Dr Bruce Lipton Student A student of Dr. Bruce Lipton physiology class at Penn State U., Dr. Limardo was party to many AHA moments, but one that had a profound effect on her life was the departure from the era of determinism in genetics to that of epigenetics. In simple terms, she explains epigenetics as: “when the environment plays a HUGE part in the health or disease of individuals, offering a different theory to that of your life being 100% pre-determined, due to the genes you are born with”. Dr. Limardo was a practical researcher, but disliked the need to apply constantly for tenure and these two reasons played a huge part in her leaving the profession and her eventual introduction to energy psychology, where she found herself using her intuition to looking at disease in a different way. Forced to look at Disease differently Butterfly Syndrome Disease causes severe blisters on the skin. You are born with it and life expectancy is low. Most people Dr Limardo studied died as young as five years, some lived to twelve or into their twenties and one even made it to sixty. However, one thing united them all - they were the most hopeful and present people that Dr Limardo had ever come across. From this work, Dr Limardo was almost forced to look at the disease from a different angle - how to learn to live with the skin you chose / or the body you chose. The extreme pain seemed to offer patients a choice to grow with an inner, invisible resilience. What also came to her was every single one of her research patients had died of suicide in a previous life... Crash course in Google Energy Psychology Dr. Limardo started to google, attracting information on Donna Eden, Cyndi Dale and Caroline Myss and realized that there were other people like her - that she too was a Medical Intuitive. She was particularly mesmerised by Caroline Myss’ book on Santa Teresa de Avila “Entering the Castle”. Myss writes of her book thus: “I believe that the divine is everywhere and exists within even the most intimate details of our lives. All that we experience today has its purpose in tomorrow’s events; sometimes, the purpose is not evident for years of tomorrows. Yet, God prepares you for your spiritual journey, no matter how complicated, painful, or demanding it might become. For this reason, patience, trust, and faith must become constants for you; you cannot, and indeed you must not, even attempt to believe you know what is best for you. The divine will reveal its plan for you; you have to be open to receive it.” Doctor of make-up and feel-good Having had her applications for tenure turned down, Dr. Limardo found herself jobless and had to take a job as a make-up artist on the TV Show Despierta America, Miami FL. Here, to her surprise, she found herself somehow entering back into the magical roots of her early childhood. Dr Limardo liked make-up and had volunteered doing makeup for a theatre in Philadelphia previously. She felt that massaging her face and applying her makeup sometimes connected her in meditative trance. At this time, her marriage also failed and she found herself surrounded by ‘criticisms and barbs’ - “how could you jeopardize yourself and your family like this?” During these most difficult times, she constantly referred to Santa Teresa of Avila- “have faith, patience and trust...the divine will reveal its plan for open to receive it’’ Seeing auras Since a very young child Dr. Limardo could see auras. One day she spend hours of delight looking at her hands and seeing the rainbow of colors dancing against the pure white of the snowfall. She loved to paint when she was small and revealed that she also saw colors around the flowers that surrounded her in her childhood home. Her father was obsessed with the Epiphyllum ‘Princess of the Night’ orchid - which only flowers once a year, at night - and the whole family would stay up and party when the orchid was about to flower. She saw that when the orchids were blooming there was a magenta aura, and a shiny indigo opalescence. The leaves would have a gold around them, which turned to grey when they were sick. I remember sending Maria a photo of an Abutilon Red Tiger Chinese lantern flower I had seen in the gardens where I work. She wrote back to me - “what is that flower?” I remember being particularly struck by its beauty when I saw the flower treasures hidden by the foliage, but had no idea what Maria was seeing and sensing. Imagine my surprise when she told me - “it has a golden aura all around it!” Psychic powers lost and recovered Dr Limardo also realized that as well as seeing and sensing auras, she had psychic powers... in a family split down the middle between narcissists and empaths. As one of the empaths, Dr Limardo found herself medicated to cope with the anxiety she experienced. At this time she lost her psychic abilities and no longer saw auras. She expresses her sadness that if only she had had access to the Resources 4 Resilience, she wouldn’t have needed to medicate and there would have been an alternative option to explore, when deep in her mental and emotional plight. She only realized the double tragedy, when she came off the medication and her powers were restored back to her. Make-up to the stars 2008 offered Dr Limardo the chance to do the make-up for soap operas and movie stars - a nice break from the world of disease and having to get involved with sick people and and an opportunity to see the sparkle and opalescence in the colours in a completely different way. One day she was doing the makeup for Maria Conchita Alonso when Harold Moskowitz (renowned healer) came up to her and said: “OMG you are a healer - can you help this actress?” Maria Conchita Alonso was seriously ill and with every brush stroke, Maria was sending energy into the person before her and Moskowitz could see this! Meeting Harold Moskowitz Harold Moskowitz opened a gate for her into a new world. Dr Limardo learned from him about the chakras, how to work with light, and realized that she had used these powers many times without knowing. Her nephew used to say - “I have a headache - I need you to touch it and take the pain away”. Dr Limardo then wanted to know how what she did took the pain away ... and furthermore where did it go... Tribe finding & validation... ACEP Conference in 2018 Since 2013 Dr Limardo has taught Medical Intuitive practices at select spiritual centers throughout South Florida and is on the teaching staff at F.L.I.C.A.H. in Doral, Florida teaching a Medical Intuitive Coach Certification course. She has immersed herself in everything energy psychology, finding her tribe when she discovered the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology Annual Conference happening in her home town of Florida. She applied for a scholarship and her acceptance propelled her headlong into this work. She undertook Comprehensive Energy Psychology (CEP) and deepened her exploration into accessing the seed of the original thought that embeds itself into the body part or tissues, causing inflammation and dis-ease. In ACEP she found people at her level in her life, who weren’t calling her crazy, or criticizing her for touching on ‘taboo subjects’ - according to the traditional genetic scene. Dr Limardo’s introduction to the ACEP Humanitarian Committee at the Orlando conference, showed her a group of like-minded, dedicated and inspired people, all putting in the graft to take the Emotional First Aid tool box to a global level and she thought to herself “Yes! this is what I want to do”. Meeting Ulf Sandstrom, Gunilla Hamne, Amy Frost, Kristin Miller, Kristin Holthius David McKay and me (!) she felt supported for the first time in her life. Energy Psychology still ‘Taboo’ Dr Limardo has found the Hispanic community much more open to energy psychology, but she was still criticized by people as they peered at her over the fence, pushing the boundaries and practising ‘taboo’ approaches that still aren’t mainstream. With an umbrella description of Emotional First Aid Mind Body Tools, Dr Limardo believes she can take this work to different institutions. She sometimes feels like Felix the Cat, as she has her huge bag of tools that she can dip into and pull out to share with people for whatever they are manifesting and needing in that moment. Dr Limardo was deeply affected by the shooting disasters in the schools. She felt that Emotional First Aid (EFA) totally had the tools and was more practical and idea for IN THE MOMENT fast working action - for people in the shock of the RIGHT NOW catastrophe. EFA works right in the crisis, the anxiety and the commotion. Covid effect Over the past 2 years, amidst the chaos of covid-19 Dr Limardo has seen her thriving client base reduced to a quarter, but still she perseveres, following her deep desire to ‘do something’. Her heart is full. There is no other way for her but to pursue this passion, this need to spread the word about another way of impacting stress, anxiety, disasters and ultimately viewing dis-ease. She would rather be moving forward than consider herself ‘stuck.’ Dr Limardo holds two group meetings each week and records videos in Spanish and English with tips about how to deal with mental and emotional issues. When asked if she is available, she always answers ‘YES’. This drive is bigger than her and she feels propelled by a greater cause and force, with a belief that prevention is the answer to better health care. Energy Medicine Tool of Choice Dr Limardo has a huge Latin American reach and her tool of choice is TTT (Trauma Tapping Technique) developed by Ulf Sandstrom and Gunilla Hamne to help calm the stress response. A combination of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), it has been widely used in refugee and trauma situations all over the world and its key differentiator is that it is usable without the need for language. TTT is currently part of a trial of one of the world's largest studies run by Peaceful Heart Network (Ulf & Gunilla) and Dr Peta Stapleton to gather data on the effects of body-mind approaches to stress and traumatic stress using Havening, TTT and Breathing techniques. Is TTT magic? The Latin Americans consider this tool (TTT) magic! They can’t understand how feeling a ten for maximum distress in their body, can be transformed to a zero. This magic ‘Dr Maria’s Magic’ is holding space for them and doing the work with and for them. They see that they can help themselves for free. They may consider it woo woo - but they clamour to Dr Maria to teach them the ‘woo woo TTT magic’. Dr Maria showing the way Dr Maria has shown people how to calm their children, when they can’t sleep and are crying. She shows them how to hold a hand, trace their hands along the eyebrows and under the eyes, gently rub their chests and then hold each finger in turn. To their amazement the child calms right down and stops crying. Dr Maria always asks permission of the Soul, she believes the Soul decides if it will accept the gift or not. She is teaching the people she comes into contact with to regulate themselves and their kids with the TTT magic. Dr Maria keeps doing the work and sharing her abundance and love, one step and day at a time, creating ripples all around the world. Quest to unite spirituality and science Dr Maria had a heavy feeling teaching her last group session and intuited that it would be her final in- person class for a long while. Teaching is one of her passions and her knowledge of the body, energy techniques and her medical intuition and practices in other realms is moving into a different space for her. She is now aiming to unite spirituality and science, as she feels that the majority of people are not informed about this aspect of life and what it can mean for them. Emotional First Aid is providing a band aid, and is highly effective in the field and in the moment. Dr. Limardo believes that if you don’t eliminate the seed thought, people will need to keep spending money until they eventually require a surgery of some kind. She has focused in particular on cleaning up the lineage, to ensure that the next generation doesn’t have to carry the issue onward ad infinitum. Her work as a diagnostician and research has equipped her marvellously as she detects breakthrough after breakthrough in finding the seed thought in treating people’s ailments. Non-locality ‘issuettes’ Undertaking distance work has been a small issue in explaining the quantum leap of non-locality, the law of entanglement and how on earth it is possible to connect two people for energetic treatment when they are thousands of miles away from each other. Obviously all clients have no issues understanding how to ‘just accept’ using WiFi to text and FaceTime all around the world... with no cables at all... Game of Dr Maria’s new lifelong career Dr Maria has always been drawn to crystals, weird pendulums and flowers, led by her curiosity and aura vision! She senses that the more she can make life like a game, the more it takes the weight off her shoulders. Her doctor’s hat has metaphorically been ‘thrown out of the window’. Watch out world - here comes Dr Maria - ready or not :))) Sara Whittall (Author) is a Body Code Practitioner and member of ACEP Humanitarian Committee Dr. Maria Isabel Limardo, Ph.D., CMIQP, CEP, TAT, TTT Call me for an appointment: 305 926-8689 Instagram:@marialimardophd follow me ACEP Award for Spreading the Word About Energy Psychology Criteria: Outstanding efforts to garner credibility and respect for the field of energy psychology by interfacing with allied professional networks, organizations, or the public media. For more information on mind body tools visit Resources 4 Resilience, a project from ACEP’s Humanitarian Committee. Resources are in English, Spanish, Portuguese and many more languages.
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![]() Dyslexia (say: dis-LEK-see-uh) is a learning problem some kids have. Dyslexia makes it tough to read and spell. The problem is inside the brain, but it doesn't mean the person is dumb. Plenty of smart and talented people struggle with dyslexia. People with dyslexia have trouble matching the letters they see on the page with the sounds those letters and combinations of letters make. And when they have trouble with that step, all the other steps are harder. Dyslexic children and adults struggle to read fluently, spell words correctly and learn a second language, among other challenges. But these difficulties have no connection to their overall intelligence. In fact, dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in reading in an individual who has the intelligence to be a much better reader. While people with dyslexia are slow readers, they often, paradoxically, are very fast and creative thinkers with strong reasoning abilities. Dyslexia is also very common, affecting 20 percent of the population and representing 80– 90 percent of all those with learning disabilities. Scientific research shows differences in brain connectivity between dyslexic and typical reading children, providing a neurological basis for why reading fluently is a struggle for those with dyslexia. Dyslexia can’t be “cured” – it is lifelong. But with the right supports, dyslexic individuals can become highly successful students and adults. |
DR. Maria I. Limardo, Ph.D., CMIQP, CEHP, CTATMedical Intuitive and Energy Psychology Practitioner ArchivesCategories |